In an earlier post I asked "How do you think the founders of Tesla feel about GM being propped up by the government?" Well, it turns out that Tesla can't complain too much. I guess I should have known.
I'm worried about the government funding companies, whether startups or established players, because government investment drives out private investment, and because the companies who receive support have a competitive advantage over the ones that don't. Why is this an important problem? Because the government doesn't know which companies are going to be enormously productive, and which ones won't. Just as an example, what if the government had propped up Ask Jeeves at the expense of Google? Of course I don't actually know what would have happened, but it's possible and maybe likely that Google would have been crushed or absorbed before it had a chance to bring so much value to so many people.
Econtalk has a great interview with Y-combinator partner Paul Graham. Graham says that government attempts to 'create the next Google' are doomed to failure because no one knows what the next Google is going to be like. By definition, the next big innovation is going to be something that is not currently understood well enough for the value to be obvious. It's ludicrous to me to think that government bureaucrats, no matter how competent, are going to be able to predict which companies are the future sources of important innovation, and which aren't.
8 hours ago
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